GV Florida Junction Luna Terminal Bus Schedule | Cagayan Valley | Apayao

Junction Luna Terminal

Junction Luna is located in Abulug Cagayan Valley. Travelling today or planning for a future commute from Junction Luna Terminal? Learn more about Florida Bus Junction Luna terminal bus schedule, van routes, fare going to Claveria, Kamuning, Laoag Ilocos Norte, NLET Bocaue, Sampaloc, Tuguegarao Airport. Find also how to go to Luna and Pudtol in Apayao, Ballesteros and Tuguegarao.

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NOTICE: The fares and schedules listed here may subject to change without prior notice. Pls check with the bus companies for the updated details here.

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Florida Junction Luna Bus Schedule

Jct LunaBaguio City9:00 AM, 4:45 PM₱920Florida
Jct LunaBaguio City8:30 AM₱920from TuguegaraoFlorida
Jct LunaBantay Ilocos Sur7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 4:45 PM, 5:30 PMFlorida
Jct LunaCubao2:00 PM₱1,550Florida
Jct LunaCubao5:00 PM₱1,700SleeperFlorida
Jct LunaLaoag7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 4:45 PM, 5:30 PM₱415Florida
Jct LunaLaoagvan
Jct LunaSampaloc Manila7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM₱1,550Florida
Jct LunaTuguegaraovan
Bus Schedule

Some of the fares may show the old price before October 2022. For fare adjustments, use the table below

Fare increase starting October 8, 2023

TransportNew Min FareAfter 4kmAfter 5km
Traditional jeep₱13₱1.80
Modern jeep₱15₱2.20
Ordinary City Bus ₱15₱2.25
Ordinary Provincial Bus₱15₱1.90
Aircon City Bus₱15₱2.64
Aircon Provincial Bus (Deluxe)₱15₱2.10
Aircon Provincial Bus (Super deluxe)₱2.35
Aircon Provincial Bus Luxury₱2.90
LTFRB Fare Increase effective October 4, 2023

For exact fares, you may contact the bus operators directly: commutetour.com/travel/transport/bus/bus-contact-number/

Florida Bus Contact Number

You can contact Florida at these mobile / landline numbers or via Facebook: 09452267310 09289875990
Junction Luna: 09673371836, 09552064092
Claveria: 09092539798
Terminal: Manila, NLET, Laoag, Pagudpud, Ballesteros, Tuguegarao
Facebook: facebook.com/gvfloridatransportinc

Commutetour Page: https://ph.commutetour.com/travel/transport/bus/florida-bus

Florida Bus Junction Luna Reservation

Para sa reservation, maaaring tumawag sa Florida Bus sa Junction Luna sa mobile number na ito 09673371836 o pumunta sa kanilang opisina sa Junction Luna Abulug para makabili ng ticket.

For reservation, contact Florida Bus in Junction Luna at this mobile number 09673371836 or go to their office in Junction Luna Abulug to buy your ticket.

Junction Luna / Pudtol to Tuguegarao Airport

The best way to commute from Junction Luna to Tuguegarao is by riding a van. If coming from Luna or Pudtol, ride a tricycle going to junction. The van passes along Ballesteros, Allacapan, Gattaran, Alcala, Amulung and Iguig before arriving in Tuguegarao and Tuguegarao Airport.

Ang pinakamagandang paraan para mag-commute mula Junction Luna papuntang Tuguegarao ay sa pamamagitan ng pagsakay sa van. Kung galing sa Luna o Pudtol, sumakay ng tricycle papuntang junction. Dumadaan ang van sa Ballesteros, Allacapan, Gattaran, Alcala, Amulung at Iguig bago makarating sa Tuguegarao at Tuguegarao Airport.

Junction Luna to Pudtol Apayao

The best way to commute from Junction Luna to Luna, Apayao Provincial Capitol and Pudtol is by tricycle. Currently the jeepneys and van from Junction Luna Abulug to Pudtol are not operational.

Ang pinakamainam na paraan para mag commute mula Junction Luna papuntang Luna, Apayao Provincial Capitol at Pudtol ay sa pamamagitan ng tricycle. Sa kasalukuyan ang mga jeepney at van mula Junction Luna Abulug papuntang Pudtol ay hindi pa bumabiyahe.

Junction Luna to Laoag Airport

There are two ways to commute from Junction Luna and Apayao to Laoag City and Laoag Airport Ilocos Norte. First is by riding the Florida Bus from Junction Luna going to Manila. The second is by riding the Van to Laoag City.

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