Fariñas Bus Schedule Manila, Laoag, Baguio City Terminal and Contact Details | 2024

Fariñas Bus

Fariñas Bus Schedule from Sampaloc Manila to Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte, Bacarra, Bantay, Dingras, Laoag, Pasuquin, Sampaloc, Solsona, Vintar and Baguio City to Laoag. Fariñas Bus Contact Details

Fariñas Bus Contact Number

You can contact Fariñas at these mobile / landline numbers or via Facebook: 09205483787
Baguio: 09154377002 / 09153108279
Terminal: Bacarra, Baguio, Laoag, NLET, Pasuquin, Sampaloc, Vintar

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NOTICE: The fares and schedules listed here may subject to change without prior notice. Pls check with the bus companies for the updated details here.

CommuteTour is in no way affiliated with any of the buses listed on any of its pages.

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Fare increase starting October 8, 2023

TransportNew Min FareAfter 4kmAfter 5km
Traditional jeep₱13₱1.80
Modern jeep₱15₱2.20
Ordinary City Bus ₱15₱2.25
Ordinary Provincial Bus₱15₱1.90
Aircon City Bus₱15₱2.64
Aircon Provincial Bus (Deluxe)₱15₱2.10
Aircon Provincial Bus (Super deluxe)₱2.35
Aircon Provincial Bus Luxury₱2.90
LTFRB Fare Increase effective October 4, 2022

For exact fares, you may contact the bus operators directly: commutetour.com/travel/transport/bus/bus-contact-number/

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Fariñas Bus Terminal

Terminal: Bacarra, Baguio, Laoag, NLET, Pasuquin, Sampaloc, Vintar

Fariñas Bus Schedule

BacarraSampaloc Manila6:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Baguio City – Gov Pack RdBantay8:00 AMFirst Class with CRFariñas
Baguio City – Gov Pack RdBantay5:00 PM, 8:00 PMRegular AirconFariñas
Baguio City – Gov Pack RdLaoag8:00 AM₱650First Class with CRFariñas
Baguio City – Gov Pack RdLaoag5:00 PM, 8:00 PM₱600Regular AirconFariñas
CubaoBantay8:30 PMFirst Class with CRFariñas
CubaoLaoag8:30 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
DingrasSampaloc Manila7:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
LaoagBaguio City9:00 AM₱650First Class with CRFariñas
LaoagBaguio City12:30 AM, 11:00 PM₱600Regular AirconFariñas
LaoagCubao8:30 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
LaoagSampaloc Manila7:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
LaoagSampaloc Manila10:00 PM, 11:00 PM₱1,100Super DeluxeFariñas
LaoagSampaloc Manila10:30 PM₱1,100Super First ClassFariñas
PasuquinSampaloc Manila6:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
PiddigSampaloc Manila7:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaBacarra6:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaBantay7:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PMFirst Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaBantay10:00 PM, 11:00 PMSuper DeluxeFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaBantay10:30 PMSuper First ClassFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaDingras7:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaLaoag7:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaLaoag10:00 PM, 11:00 PM₱1,100Super DeluxeFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaLaoag10:30 PM₱1,100Super First ClassFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaPasuquin6:00 PM1000 / 1100First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaPiddig7:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaSolsona7:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Sampaloc ManilaVintar6:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
SolsonaSampaloc Manila7:00 PMFariñas
VintarSampaloc Manila6:00 PM₱1,000First Class with CRFariñas
Fariñas Bus Schedule

Fariñas Bus Route

Bacarra to Sampaloc Manila
Baguio City – Gov Pack Rd to Bantay
Baguio City – Gov Pack Rd to Laoag
Cubao to Bantay
Cubao to Laoag
Dingras to Sampaloc Manila
Laoag to Baguio City
Laoag to Cubao
Laoag to Sampaloc Manila
Pasuquin to Sampaloc Manila
Piddig to Sampaloc Manila
Sampaloc Manila to Bacarra
Sampaloc Manila to Bantay
Sampaloc Manila to Dingras
Sampaloc Manila to Laoag
Sampaloc Manila to Pasuquin
Sampaloc Manila to Piddig
Sampaloc Manila to Solsona
Sampaloc Manila to Vintar
Solsona to Sampaloc Manila
Vintar to Sampaloc Manila

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